Young woman with dark shoulder length hair touches the rim of her Remo Tulliani sunglasses. She is smiling at the camera and wearing a pink loose turtle neck sweater

Choosing the best sunglasses for your face shape

Remo TullianiMar 23, '21

 Looking for a new set of frames? If you’re looking for a new style of eyewear, then consider your face shape. There are four main face shapes: oval, round, triangle and square. Every face is different, and knowing your shape can help you find the most suitable sunglasses.

To determine your face shape you’ll need to have an idea of your face measurements. For example, if your face is taller than it is wide, then you probably have an oval face shape. So, measure the width from ear to ear and the distance between the top of your forehead and chin. Then, measure the widest points of your forehead and your jawline. Pay attention to the larger proportions of your face because they will determine what your shape is.

Round Shape

If you have a round face you'll have noticeable curves and less defined angles. Your cheekbones will be slighter wider and you'll have equally wide forehead and jaw.

Choose Rectangle, square, wrap and shield shaped glasses.

Our Grace and Power frames will look amazing on ladies with this shape.

Men with round faces should try our Envy or Wrath frames.

Oval Shape

If you have an oval face, you'll have slightly wider cheekbones and gentle narrowing at the forehead and jaw. Those with oval shaped faces have fairly even features, and pretty much any frame is going to look great!

Avoid huge frames that block out those symmetrical features and choose sunglasses that cover the face from the eyebrows to the cheekbones.

Our Sonder and Faith frames are perfect for ladies with an oval shape.

Men with oval faces should try our Courage or Trust frames.

Triangle Shape

The triangle face shape can also be referred to as a heart shape. This shape is widest at the temples and narrows at the chin. The best sunglasses for heart and triangle shaped faces feature wide lower edges with no straight lines along the top because they shift attention downward and elongate the face.

You'll want to wear shield, butterfly, rimless, or aviator styled frames.

Our Pride and Trust frames are perfect for ladies with heart shape faces.

Men with a triangle face shape will look great in our Pride and Smooth frames.

Square Shape

If you have a square face you'll have about the same length and width across the face. Usually square face shapes have broad foreheads and more angular lines.

The best sunglasses for square face are aviators, butterflies, round or any frame style that favors oval or circular curves.

The Lust and Joy frames will look great on ladies with a square face shape.

Men with this shape should try our Power and Spite frames.

Keep in mind, the rules in fashion and design are not set in stone. Rock your favorite pair of sunglasses, regardless of what these "rules" say. If you're looking to add a few more frames to your collection you can find them in our Men's Collection and our Women's Collection